Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Just a Teaser

Just popping in with a little teaser post so you don't think I forgot about you all!

I found this wonderful campaign called "The Kind-Hearted Blogger Campaign" that was created by a blogger who had some bad experiences with blogger bullies. She asks bloggers to take a pledge to inspire and not compete with, speak freely but not offend, and to make an effort to show kindness to fellow bloggers. Check it out! Make the pledge, add the button to your blog, and she will add your blog to her list of participants.

More later!

1 comment:

  1. yes, I would really love to be a guest blogger on your blog. Unfortunately right now I don't have the time. And I haven't had the time to look through your posts to find one to respond to. So maybe in a few weeks.


Thanks for taking some time to smell the sneezeweed!